Lector: Dear Father/Mother God, we pray with gratitude for your constant love. We pray for the whole world, in these times of turmoil, violence and loss of respect for humankind. Let your light shine out of darkness, on the world of all your children. May our hearts shine with the love of Jesus. Love is the strength and wisdom for the world.

Dear Father/Mother God, As we read the teachings of your son Jesus Christ, bless the churches of the world to be bold in speaking of Jesus love, as that is the pure hearted truth for healing our world in this time of need. How priceless is your love dear God. Open us to receive it, as we thirst daily. With gratitude we pray.

Dear Father/Mother God, we pray with gratitude for Bishop Gregory, Fr. Berto, Fr. Hugh, Marianne, Karen and Lisa, our Vestry, and the hearts and hands of Emmanuel Parish. Bless and guide our Emmanuel mission of sharing your love in service to others. How priceless is your love dear God.

Dear Father/Mother God, we pray for an end to tyranny and terrorism in the world, for blessings on the people of Syria, the nations with thousands of refugees, the homeless families, the hungry and su?ering children. These struggles are di?cult for us to comprehend. We pray for peace in the world. You are the way and the light. Let light shine out of darkness. Let our hearts shine with the love of Jesus. One by one we re?ect your peace.

Dear Father/Mother God, we pray for the beauty and balance of your abundant natural world which sustains us. Help us to stand up and speak loudly for preserving the bounty of our earth, air, water and forests. It is urgent for our actions to consciously re?ect our gratitude and reverence for your creation. Guide us Lord in protecting and understanding your natural order. Let each heart know that the power of your love is the answer, the wisdom and the way.

Dear Father/Mother God, we pray for our United States, in this time of distrust, and dissension. We pray for our government to act in accord with the values of our Constitution: equal human and legal rights for all, freedom of speech, and the elected o?cials to work with high principals for the good of the people, the resources, and as an example to the world. We pray for our President, and elected o?cials, that they may listen to your way, in making right decisions for the good of all people and your creation. Let light shine out of darkness. Let each heart know that the power of your love is the answer, the wisdom and the way.

Dear Father/Mother God, we pray for the needs of each of us, as you know us Lord, and especially those who struggle with addiction, pain, fear, hunger, loneliness, homelessness, and those we now name, silently or aloud …(pause)…, and especially those on our parish prayer list: …. How priceless is your love God. Let each heart know that the power of your love is the answer, the wisdom and the way. With gratitude we pray.

For the mystery of our after life, we pray that you will hold each of us in your eternal love, along with those who have passed before us. For those who have died, let us remember them with our love. How priceless is your sustaining love God. With gratitude we pray.

Presider: Dear Lord, how priceless is your love. In your light we see light. We sing with joy of your abundant daily miracles in our lives. We ask each heart to behold your blessings and pass them on to others. May we each use the gifts of the Spirit which are given to us for the common good. Our Savior is Jesus Christ, the light of the world. Amen.