Lector: Love divine, lift from us our attitudes and behaviors that separate us from you, our creator, and from our brothers and sisters here on earth. We know that only love can save us.

May the glorious radiance of resurrection dispel the shadows of the world.

Love divine, stir up our hearts, this, your earthly church. Send us into the world with the joy of Mary Magdalene, to proclaim that we have seen the Lord, and he is love.

May the glorious radiance of the resurrection dispel the shadows of the world.

Love divine, who will roll away that rock that entombs our great nation in argument? Who will let in the light that is love? Teach us to listen and care for one another without judgement.

May the glorious radiance of the resurrection dispel the shadows of the world.

Love divine, we know that we are precious to you. Let your holy light pierce the darkness of our death and chaos. Be especially with those who su?er persecution due to race, religion, gender, ethnicity, ability, income, and sexual identity or orientation.

May the glorious radiance of the resurrection dispel the shadows of the world.

Love divine, sancti?er of time and space, we celebrate the skies above, the seas below, and the greening of the earth under our feet. Help us to care for creation with tender a?ection.

May the glorious radiance of the resurrection dispel the shadows of the world.

Love divine, you created a covenant of life with each one of us, so that no evil could destroy us. Be with those who su?er in body, mind, or spirit. Be especially with those who su?er alone. Help us to ?nd them. Be with the souls of the recently departed and their grieving families. Be with those we now name, silently or aloud (…pause….), including those on our parish prayer list:  May the glorious radiance of the resurrection dispel the shadows of the world.

Presider: Love divine, we pray for your help in rolling away the stones of the tombs that keep us from the light of your resurrection. Amen.