Precious Lord, Jesus is our peace; his love breaks down the walls between us. Help us to spend His love in the world, so that no peoples are strangers or aliens.

Lord, make us instruments of your peace.

Precious Lord, Jesus is the cornerstone of your church. In his love we are joined and grow. Help us to remember that, in all things, we must steadfastly love.

Lord, where there is hatred, let us sow love.

Precious Lord, woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of your pasture. Raise us up as your shepherds, so that your beloved will no longer fear, nor shall any be counted as missing.

Lord, where there is injury, let us pardon.

Precious Lord, you remind us again and again to care for the widow, the orphan, and the stranger among us. Help us to be the face of your love and justice in the world.

Lord, where there is despair, let us bring hope.

Precious Lord, you gave us the great green earth to love and care for. Help us to preserve and restore the sacred cleanliness of its forests and fields, the air that surrounds us, and the waters that give us life.

Lord, where there is darkness, let us bring light.

Precious Lord, all who touch even the fringe of your cloak are healed. Bend with compassion toward the sick, the dying, the despairing, the depressed. Send us, too, in tender love to those who suffer, including those we now name, silently or aloud (pause), and those on our prayer list:

Lord, where there is despair, let us sow hope.

Dear Lord, you console us so that we may console; you understand us so that we, too, may understand; you love us so that we might love. We trust in your love and mercy, your guiding light and goodness. Amen.