Lector:  Oh Holy Creator—the dark days of winter hang heavily and yet we look upward in wonder at the new star coming over the stable, where amongst the poor and lowly, and  gentle animals, you will soon grace this land. As the light returns we recall the story of how you came to us as a newborn babe, with all the marvel of creation shining from your infant eyes.  Your star will guide us, and with shepherds and magi,  we will celebrate together . We will follow anew your journey from cradle to grave and then to glorious mystery and ascension.  What a blessed gift it is to have this great story to guide us and remind us of who we are and why we are here.

Come, come Emmanuel and ransom the darkness in our hidden hearts.  

We have so much to be thankful for:  Our priests, Berto and Hugh, our Bishop Greg, our Archbishop, Michael.  May they exemplify your teachings  in all they do. We ask special blessings for all those who serve others—especially those who repair and sustain and heal—the line-workers, carpenters, plumbers, caregivers, farmers, social workers, teachers—too many to list, but people well-represented in your life and intentions.  We thank them—known and unknown—for their ongoing work for the good of all.

Come, come Emmanuel and ransom the darkness in our hidden hearts.

Holy Creator: Your gifts abound.  Thank you so  much for our blessed Emmanuel Community. We ask your help in finding ways to widen our reach so that younger families and children might freely join us.  And thank you for this wonderful Orcas Island—all beings, all of nature, in all seasons.  Help us to live carefully in this beautiful creation.

Come, come Emmanuel and ransom the darkness in our hidden hearts.

We pray here, for our Governor, Jay, for our President, Donald, and for all world leaders.  Help them to make decisions that support all existence. 

Come, come Emmanuel and ransom the darkness in our hidden hearts.

We thank you for the beauty of the season. We realize this can be  a difficult for some.  Guide us as we seek to  comfort those in need of extra support : the sick, the homeless, the bereaved, the addicted, the confused.  We pray now especially for those on our Parish Prayer List including:

Take time now to mention, silently or aloud, anyone else you would like to include here:  (a pause).   In the name of Christ our Savior, we ask healing blessings on all in need.

Come, come Emmanuel and ransom the darkness in our hidden hearts.

Presider: Oh Holy Redeemer, in this season of waiting, let us remember that we too were once babes.  Your story is in many ways the model for our own journeys.   Let us be mindful of the lessons of woe and wonder that await you, and await us,  as we follow in your footsteps, Beloved Savior! Amen