Intercessor: Oh Great Mystery—great beyond all knowing, great beyond the power of mind to embrace. Dear God, we praise and thank you for your many gifts—our wonderful Bishop Gregory, who is visiting us today, our tireless clergy, Berto and Hugh, who continue valiantly to serve so many needs in our community. We thank you for our parishioners whose faithfulness and generosity honors you and the troubled world in so many ways.  We thank you for our new members, some of whom will be confirmed today as a great next step on the journey of faith.

We welcome them all and thank you for sending them to us.

We thank our political leaders for their earnest efforts to lead with integrity and compassion. Guide them and give them the support they need to do what is best.

Hear our prayer. 

We are thankful for our Agape team, and bless their good work. We praise and thank all who are fully vaccinated. We are also thankful for scientists and volunteers and all the others who make pandemic immunity possible. Bless all these people and keep them safe and well.

We thank and praise all those who help others in times of illness and difficulty.

Though we on Orcas have much to celebrate on this holy day, we cannot overlook the widespread suffering that scars our world  Our heartfelt prayers envision the healing of the deep pain and fear that is behind so much of the sorrow in this world.  We think of our brothers and sisters suffering in the Middle East, in Myanmar (Burma), in Yemen and Syria and victims of the volcano in Africa and the ongoing pandemics in India, Nepal, and Brazil. These are all part of our human family; help all to not lose heart in the midst of great suffering. 

Protect and guide them through times of illness and fear.

And dear One, the plants and animals—the oceans and the air—fill them and us with your cleansing breath that all may be whole and new again! Guide us to be better stewards of the lovely world you have given us.

Hear our Prayer!

We need your help, dear God. You know, better than we do, the needs of your creation.  You have given us free will—help us to use that will for the betterment of all, to be selfless in the ways Jesus Christ taught us to be.  Help us to ease the suffering of those experiencing the aftermath of gun violence and all kinds of confusion and disturbance. 

Hear our Prayer! 

We ask your blessings and guidance for those on our Parish Prayer list: …

And we pray together in support of one another regarding any needs or individuals not mentioned [pause to mention silently or aloud]

And for the recently departed, and their loved ones, we ask that all be enfolded in the arms of your eternal love.

Out of the depths, hear the cries of your creation!