Dear Sacred Mystery, Wisdom beyond Words —Sometimes it seems presumptuous to try to speak to you,  even one feeble word. And yet, here we are again, encouraged by your presence in our Eucharistic worship, and the beauty of our church, and our compassionate spiritual leaders, Fathers Berto and Hugh, and our bishop, Greg Rickel and presiding bishop, Michael Curry.  We thank them for their inspiration and guidance, pray for them and for their counterparts doing your work throughout the world.

Hear your children, Great Sacred Mystery; we bow our heads in wonder.

The rain and the wind and the tossing waves and the harvest, sing your name in many languages.  They speak only good of you, for good is all they know. Wonderful though this is, we know your sacred name contains more than all the marvels this earth offers. You are all-encompassing, and we turn to you anew in times of turmoil. Help us to shed our attachments and empty pleasures that we might take better care of your beloved creatures, plants, waters, mountains, forests and plains.

Hear your children, Great Sacred Mystery; we bow our heads in wonder.

We pray for political and military leaders, government officials, medical personnel, and all those who are attempting to lead and serve the sick and oppressed. May all hear and heed the voice of wisdom as they struggle to find their way through tangles of paradox, violence, and conflicting agendas. 

Hear your children, Great Sacred Mystery; we bow our heads in wonder.

We pray for the mentally ill, the depressed, the confused, and those who resort to violence and abuse to express their own rage and frustration.  We especially pray for children who are caught in quagmires of emotional and physical suffering.

Hear your children, Great Sacred Mystery; we bow our heads in wonder. 

We pray for the farmers and agricultural workers as they bring in the harvest, for teachers struggling to teach our young people, and for the young people themselves, that they may thrive  despite challenging circumstances.

Hear your children, Great Sacred Mystery; we bow our heads in wonder.

We pray for all those in need of special prayer and support, including those on our Parish Prayer List (Please pray slowly): …

and those for whom no one prays; may they be comforted by your Holy Spirit. May their caregivers and health care providers be strengthened by your Spirit.

We join in prayerful support of one another for other concerns. (Pause). May your grace and guidance reach into every need.

Hear your children, Great Sacred Mystery; we bow our heads in wonder.

And we pray for the dead and dying, especially David, and those grieving them, especially Debbie, Sarah, & Brian. We pray for the lost dreams and hopes that all must carry in this time.  May angels comfort all who sorrow; help everyone to find their best path to fully unite with you and all your creation. In Jesus’ Holy Name we Pray.

Hear your children, Great Sacred Mystery; we bow our heads in wonder.