O God, we pray for the universal church so that we will be fed in mind and soul and in turn feed others with the strength that we receive from you. In hope, we pray,
Come, Jesus, come.
We pray that the people of the United States of America and their leaders discern what is truly good and just in this country and the world. Especially we pray for the issues of race and immigration. In trust, we pray,
Come, Jesus, come.
We pray for intelligence, common sense, and forgiveness in the seemingly overwhelming problems of the international world, especially the Ukraine, Iran, Syria and the Gaza Strip. In peace, we pray,
Come, Jesus, come.
We pray for our island community; especially those who work in education, both students and teachers. We thank you for our Music committee which ensures scholarships for local student musicians while providing Brown Bag Concerts for the pleasure of all. In thankfulness, we pray,
Come, Jesus, come.
We pray for everyone who is sick, injured, addicted, homeless or forgotten. Especially we pray for those on our parish prayer list. Your prayers are welcomed in silence or aloud. We pray for those who have died especially Andrew Cray and Steven Sotloff. In faithfulness, we pray,
Come, Jesus, come.
Celebrant: We pray that we will be a confident in our knowledge that God has a plan for each of us. AMEN