God is love.  Dearest Lord, we love because you first loved us.  We know that if we love one another, your love will live in us.  Open our hearts so that your love may be perfected in the world.

Dearest Lord, we pray.

God is love.  Dearest Lord, we know that everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.  This is the foundation of your church.  Open our hearts so that your love may be perfected in your churches worldwide.

Dearest Lord, we pray.

God is love.  Dearest Lord, you taught us that those who love God must love their brothers and sisters as well.  Our nation was founded on belief that every individual is deserving of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Open our hearts so that your love may be perfected across these United States.

Dearest Lord, we pray.

God is love.  Dearest Lord, we know that those who say, “I love God,” and hate their brothers and sisters cannot love God.  Open our hearts so that your love may be perfected across the social order.  Let us love one another without concern to status, health, age, gender, orientation, color or creed.

Dearest Lord, we pray.

God is love.   We know that the sea and sky and earth and everything that lives upon it was created in your love.  Those who love god must also love the natural world.  Open our hearts so that your love may be perfected in our relations to our home, the earth.

Dearest Lord, we pray.

God is love.  Dear Lord, we know there is no fear in love because perfect love casts out fear.  Help us to trust in your love as we face sickness, death, uncertainty, strife, and circumstances that trouble our hearts.  Especially be with those on our parish prayer list: ______.   Open our hearts so that your love may be perfected in our care for one another.

Dearest Lord, we pray.

God is love.  Those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them.