Lector:  You have planted the Kingdom of God among us like seeds scattered on the ground, O God:  Let your creation ?ourish and grow into the beauty of your abundant life, as we pray, Lead us through Christ to a new creation.

Gracious One, Lead your Church to walk by faith and live for him who died and was raised for us.  Lead us through Christ to a new creation.

Almighty One, inspire your loving kindness and justice among the leaders of the nations, that they may seek true peace. Lead us through Christ to a new creation.

Mysterious One, let your quiet strength work in our sleep and in our rising, night and day, to nurture your purpose for all people, that new life may sprout and grow, we do not know how, and produce a harvest of abundant life for all your creatures. Lead us through Christ to a new creation.

Loving One, you have planted your Spirit into all humanity:  Let us regard no one from a human point of view any longer, but open our eyes to see Christ’s presence in all persons. Lead us through Christ to a new creation.

Compassionate One, you plant hope in our hearts and you bring newness to life.  Hear our prayers for those for whom we intercede, especially…  Hear our grateful thanks for the abundance of your grace, especially for our Orcas Island High School graduates.  With Paul we also are convinced that one has died for all, therefore all have died and will be raised to newness of life.  Raise into your eternal life those who have died. Lead us through Christ to a new creation.


Presider:  We are always con?dent, O Gracious One, whether we are at home or away, for our life is hidden in you:  Nourish our growth in you that we may become mature and fruitful disciples producing an abundant harvest for the sake of your Name, through Jesus Christ our Savior, who with you and the Holy Spirit, live and reign, one God, forever and ever.  Amen.