May a spirit of wisdom and revelation flow through your church in all its forms so that we may carry out your mission in this temporal world.
Save, O God, your people
May the leaders of this nation not frightened us, but be so overwhelmed with joy to lead us with grace.
Save, O God, your people
May the scattered and frightened people of this world, know your goodness and have faith to triumph over hardship so that refugees are welcomed and live in peace as we enter a new calendar year.
Save, O God, your people
May we care for our precious Orcas Island so life shall become like a watered garden.
Save, O God, your people
Happy are those who dwell in your house! We give thanks for a successful stewardship campaign which enables us to do all that we do in your name.
Save, O God, your people
May the blind and the lame, those with child and those in labor, and all those who suffer especially those on our Parish Prayer List…….be comforted by your Spirit, giving them gladness for sorrow.
Save, O God, your people
May those who have died be received by you with joy and those that mourn know that faith is rewarded
Save, O God, your people
Hearken, O God of Jacob, Leah and Rachel, hear the prayers of we your servants. May we be satisfied with your bounty and inspired to do your work. We thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the Unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.