Lector: Loving God, who has searched and known us, we ask for your compassion. Lead us to cherish the fullness of life that you o?er to each moment of our day.
God of love, we pray for Berto, our rector; Greg, our Bishop; and all religious leaders. We ask that they be inspired by your guidance and able to awaken their congregations to your voice. Come and listen to us.
God of love, hear our prayer for the political leaders of the world. Especially we pray for the candidates seeking o?ce in the election this year. Open their hearts to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit; guide them to thoughtfulness, civility, and right actions. Come and listen to us.
God of love, we ask for guidance and inspiration in preserving and protecting the natural world. We give thanks for the gift of living on Orcas Island and pray that all who live here cherish it. We give thanks for our church Garden Gang for providing beauty to us and all who visit the island. Come and listen to us.
God of love, we pray for those who are ill in mind, body, or spirit. We ask your compassion for all children who are abused. We pray especially for those on our parish prayer list:. Come and listen to us.
God of love, we pray for all who are grieving and all who have died to this world. Help us to remember that our loved ones are in Your hands. Come and listen to us.
Presider: Gracious Father, let our hearts turn completely toward your love, so that we may share that love with each other and all living creatures. Grant that in following you in obedience and trust, we will become more e?ective servants of your grace, through the Holy Spirit working in us, now and forever. Amen.