Precious Lord, look with love and mercy upon the peoples of your world, torn by suspicion and mistrust, separated by fear and greed. Help us to find our brothers and sisters in every person, no matter how different from ourselves.
In Christ, we pray.
Precious Lord, preserve the works of your mercy, that your church may be a living witness to your hope for the world — peace and justice for all nations.
In Christ, we pray.
Precious Lord, we pray for our great nation. Help us not to succumb to teachers that suit our own desires. Help us to look beyond our immediate self to love our neighbors as ourselves.
In Christ, we pray.
Precious Lord, you ask us, again and again, to look to the needs of the widow, the orphan, the foreigner. Help us to embrace the work of the world with glad and open hearts.
In Christ, we pray.
Precious Lord, the earth is yours, and its fullness. Help us to love your creation by praising and caring for it as a mother would her child, so that we might see with clear eyes your omnipresence and beauty.
In Christ, we pray.
Precious Lord, our lives are writ large in your love for us. Help us to find your face in sickness and health, in poverty and wealth, in despair and joy. Be especially with those on our prayer list:
In Christ, we pray.
Presider: Pray always and do not lose heart. Will God delay to help them who cry to him day and night? Amen.