Presider Let us name with thanksgiving those animals for whom we care: …
Let us name with thanksgiving those animals who have been our companions over the years and are no longer with us:…
And let us remember the unnamed, unknown animals whose lives have benefited our own.
Intercessor Holy God, Creator of heaven and earth,
People Have mercy on us.
Intercessor Holy and Mighty, Redeemer of the world,
People Have mercy on us.
Intercessor Holy Immortal One, Sanctifier of the faithful,
People Have mercy on us.
Intercessor Holy, blessed and glorious Trinity, One God,
People Have mercy on us.
Intercessor Grant that all your creatures may thank and serve you;
People Shower your blessing on earth, O God.
Intercessor Grant favorable weather, temperate rain, and fruitful seasons, providing food and drink for all your creatures;
People Shower your blessing on earth, O God.
Intercessor Open our eyes to the joy and beauty of creation, that we may see your presence in all your works;
People Shower your blessing on earth, O God.
Intercessor Look with favor upon all who care for the earth, the water, and the air, that the riches of creation may abound for all your creatures;
People Shower your blessing on earth, O God.
Intercessor Make us faithful stewards of creation, wisely caring for the earth, the air, the seas, and all the life they bear;
People Shower your blessing on earth, O God.
Intercessor Awaken us to our responsibility for the care of creation;
People Shower your blessing on earth, O God.
Intercessor Forgive us our waste and pollution of creation and strengthen us to heal wounds we have inflicted;
People Shower your blessing on earth, O God.
Intercessor Remember all in captivity and those who are hunted, trapped, deserted, or abused, that they may find safety in homes of loving care;
People Shower your blessing on earth, O God.
Intercessor Do not forget those animals who have died yet remain dear to us, that they may rejoice in your new creation;
People Shower your blessing on earth, O God.
Presider Holy God: No sparrow falls without your attention; nothing dies that is lost to you; nothing comes into being without your love. Give us just and compassionate hearts, that we may serve the earth and all its creatures, holding fast to the vision of your peaceable reign in which all will live with you eternally; through the Risen One, Christ our Savior. Amen.