Gracious God, we pray for the children of Zion and all you worship you, may church leaders give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation to carry out your mission.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Gracious God, we pray for these United States as we elect new leaders this Tuesday, may we choose wisely.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Gracious God, we pray for this precious earth and all people, may we all learn to love our enemies.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Gracious God, we pray for Pastor Anne Hall and her husband as they embark on a mission trip to Gaza, may their medical and spiritual work go well.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Gracious God, we give thanks for Emmanuel’s stewardship team, finance committee and the generosity of all parishioners as we pledge our time, treasure and talent for the coming year.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Gracious God, we pray for all those who suffer in body, mind or spirit and their caregivers, especially those we now name……, may they be aware of your Holy Spirit and accept your will.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Gracious God, we pray for all who have died joining the great cloud of witnesses that sing your praises forever, may their memory encourage us to respond to the needs of our neighbors and provide comfort for those who weep now.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Presider: Gracious God, give us grace to be your servants on this earth responding to the needs of our time as we are inspired by those who have gone before us. Amen.