Blessed Lord, help us to build your new heaven and your new earth, bringing peace among the nations.
Blessed Lord, we pray for your assistance.
Blessed Lord, surely it is you who saves us. Help us to learn your scriptures and to do the work you describe there, abiding in love.
Blessed Lord, we pray for your teaching.
Blessed Lord, we long for a nation blessed with a people who love their neighbors, who can see into the deep and common needs of the human heart.
Blessed Lord, we pray for your peace.
Blessed Lord, let us love the least among us — the poor, the despairing, the lonely, the sick. Let us put aside our tendencies to be busybodies in order to do your work.
Blessed Lord, we pray for your guidance.
Blessed Lord, we are so thankful for the beauty of the world, especially that of our precious island home. Let us daily praise and protect the magnificence of your creation.
Blessed Lord, we celebrate your work.
Blessed Lord, hear the cries of the distressed, those suffering in mind, body, or spirit. Be especially with those on our parish prayer list:
Blessed Lord, we pray for your mercy.
Presider: We are glad and rejoicing in your new Jerusalem.