Lector: Watchful at all times, we pray for strength to stand with confidence in our belief of your compassion. We seek both justice and mercy to be present in our world, let us pray to the Lord: Come and listen to us.
May the nations seek peaceful solutions and the plague of warfare be ended, let us pray to the Lord: Come and listen to us.
We give thanks for our Rector, Berto, and our Bishop, Greg. Guide all spiritual leaders to understanding and compassion. Come and listen to us.
We pray that God may bind up the brokenhearted, restore the sick, and raise up all who have fallen, especially those on our parish prayer list:… Let us pray to the Lord: Come and listen to us.
That the light of God’s coming may dawn on all who live in darkness and the shadow of death, let us pray to the Lord: Come and listen to us.
That, with all the saints in light, we may shine forth as lights for the world, let us pray to the Lord: Come and listen to us.
Presider: Let us give our trust to the dawning light. Amen.