Dear Father, Mother God, we pray in these precious Advent days of winter for your grace to shine upon us, that we may carry the light of your love. Lord, May the light of your countenance open our hearts, that we may share your love in service to others.

We pray in the hope which Advent brings, for expectations of peace and healing for our world, in the name of God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Lord, May the light of your countenance open our hearts, that we may share your love in service to others.

We pray for your strength over our fear, for your great might to come among us, for the safety, respect and equality of all people, in the United States, and all the world. We ask for your will to be done. Lord, May the light of your countenance open our hearts, that we may share your love in service to others.

We are grateful for Emmanuel, for those whose joy and efforts sustain this church, for our pastor Berto, our vestry, and our Bishop Gregory. We pray for your power, guidance and blessings on all churches of God throughout the world. Lord, May the light of your countenance open our hearts, that we may share your love in service to others.

We pray for the earth, the climate, the water, air and habitat you have created for our survival. May they become a high priority for our awareness and for all government decision making leaders. Lord, May the light of your countenance open all of our hearts, that all people may share your love in service to others.

We thank you Lord, for nourishing our soul, energizing our mind and feeding our body, that we may serve others, as taught by your son Jesus Christ. With gratitude for our abundant blessings Lord, we have come to do your will.

We pray for safety and healing for the many people in unbearable circumstances, for the homeless, the prisoners, the captives and fearful, in all nations and religions. May they know the strength of your peace. Lord, May the light of your countenance open our hearts, that we may share your love in service to others.

We pray for those you know are in need of restoration and health of body, mind and spirit, and those named here on our parish prayer list: May they be filled with the healing power of your presence and peace.

We pray for those who have gone before us to your heavenly kingdom, and those we hold in our hearts, especially baby Josephine. As Blessed Mary proclaimed, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.

We thank you Lord, for your constant presence in our lives and hearts. Help us make time for receiving your guidance and blessings as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Keep us, not on our agenda, but on yours Lord, for that is the joy we seek. Shine on us with the illumination of the true Light.

Presider: Today we open our hearts in Advent, to this new opportunity to live in your will, Lord — to feel as a child, the purity, peace and presence of your unconditional love. We thank you in the name of the Holy Jesus Christ. Amen.