O God, look with favor on the leaders of your church, especially Michael, our presiding bishop, Greg, our bishop, Berto and Hugh, our priests as well as all church members so we may be of the same mind that was in Christ Jesus to fulfil your mission.
O Lord, bless us and be gracious.
O God, bless these United States as we enter a new year, we pray for Barack, our President, Donald, our President-elect and Jay, our Governor, may they be aware of your Spirit as they make decisions on our behalf.
O Lord, bless us and be gracious.
O God, bless all who live on this earth in our glorious diversity, may those that live in peace be thankful and those that live in harm’s way be comforted.
O Lord, bless us and be gracious.
O God, give courage to those taking the Polar Bear plunge this morning at Cascade Lake, keep them safe so we may all be good neighbors this coming year.
O Lord, bless us and be gracious.
O God, give peace to all those who suffer in body, mind or spirit to accept your will especially those on our parish prayer list…., and bless their caregivers.
O Lord, bless us and be gracious.
O God, we give thanks for all parishioners who reach out to our community through helping with the severe cold weather shelter and the food bank.
O Lord, bless us and be gracious.
O God, we pray for the departed and those near death as well as those that mourn. We give thanks for Mary, Mother of Jesus.
O Lord, bless us and be gracious.
Presider: O God, you instructed Moses to teach Aaron and his sons to bless the Israelites and Paul to ask the Philippians to be of the same mind as Christ Jesus, hear the prayers of your people and help us to be aware of your Spirit both today and throughout this year so we may indeed be your servants in this world. Amen.