Lector: Precious Lord, we trust that you will use us as you did Isaiah, to faithfully bring forth justice in the world. Help us to stand up for fair and equal treatment of all peoples, regardless of race, religion, age, gender, income, immigrant status, sexual orientation, or ability. For peace we pray.
Precious Lord, let your church be a light to the nations of the world as they strive for peace and justice. Give us the courage to stand for those who cannot stand for themselves — the forgotten, the ppressed, the despairing, the hungry, the cold. For peace we pray.
Precious Lord, in less than two weeks our nation will inaugurate a new president. Inspire him to put prejudice and personal interest aside in order to lead with love the diverse peoples of our nation and the world. For peace we pray.
Precious Lord, each of the seven billion people of this world is unique in your heart. Be with us in our pain, discomfort, fear, and loss. Lift up those of us who suffer, especially the victims of war and injustice.
For peace we pray.
Precious Lord, you created the heavens and stretched them out, you spread out the earth and what comes from it. Inspire us to honor the miracle of creation so that the generations who follow us may delight in its beauty and nourishing plenty. For peace we pray.
Precious Lord, look compassionately upon our human suffering. Be with those whose arms and hearts reach out for prayers and assistance, especially those on our parish prayer list: For peace we pray.
Presider: Lord, we believe your promise for Isaiah, that he will not growfaint or be crushed until he has established justice on earth. Set Isaiah’s mantle on us, that we may continue your work on earth. Amen.