Eternal God, we pray for your church. May we, your servants, show that your foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God’s weakness is stronger than human strength.
Help us to do justice and to love kindness, as we walk humbly with you.
Eternal God, we pray for this nation. May our leaders and all our citizens be gracious. Bless the peacemakers, your children.
Help us to do justice and to love kindness, as we walk humbly with you.
Eternal God, we pray for the welfare of the world which you loved into being. Bless those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.
Help us to do justice and to love kindness, as we walk humbly with you.
Eternal God, we pray for this Orcas Island Community; may we take the time to be informed and make a wise decision on the School Board Bond.
Help us to do justice and to love kindness, as we walk humbly with you.
Eternal God, we give thanks for our vestry, especially Darleen, Duff, Jenny and Kathi as they complete their service.
Help us to do justice and to love kindness, as we walk humbly with you.
Eternal God, we pray for those who suffer in body, mind or spirit, especially those we now nameā¦
Help us to relieve their suffering.
Eternal God, we pray for those whom we love but see no longer. Lord grant them eternal rest.
May light perpetual shine upon them.
Bless those who mourn.
May they be comforted.
Presider: Eternal God, we know you hear and listen to our prayers, help us to accept your will as we endeavor to do your will in this temporal world. Amen.