Lector: Dearest Lord, you ask us to be an image of you, crowning us with mercy and loving-kindness. Help us to live in abundant love for our neighbors, near and far.
In Christ, we pray.
Dearest Lord, you remind us to welcome the weak in faith, but not for the purpose of arguing. Help us to refrain from passing judgement on our brothers and sisters. Teach us to seek first your kingdom and its righteousness.
In Christ, we pray.
Dearest Lord, our great nation finds itself divided by opinion. We cannot stand if we do not love one another. Guide us in the way of truth, justice, and freedom for all.
In Christ, we pray.
Dearest Lord, you are full of compassion and mercy, slow to anger and of great kindness. Let this be our face, too, especially to those who suffer war, flood, famine, and persecution; to those who have lost their homes, their income, their health, their hope.
In Christ, we pray.
Dearest Lord, let us not forget all your benefits to us, beginning with the beauty of the earth itself. Help us to care for your creation with loving-kindness for air, earth, water, and all the plants and animals with whom we share your abundance.
In Christ, we pray.
Dearest Lord, you forgive our sins and heal our infirmities. Be with those of us who suffer in mind, body and spirit; show mercy upon those who long for healing touch. Be with the recently departed and their grieving families. Be with those we now name silently or aloud (pause), especially those on our parish prayer list:
In Christ, we pray.
Presider: For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is your mercy upon those who fear you. Hear our prayers, Lord, for the world and for each other. Amen.