Precious Lord, you clearly command us to make no idols on earth. Our human worship of power, status, and material wealth has separated us from you, your creation, and our brothers and sisters here on earth. Give light to our eyes. Help us to avoid the temptation of false idols.
Dear Lord, you are our strength and our redeemer.
Precious Lord, we know that your church must be the healing face of God on earth. Cleanse us of our secret faults. Make the words of our mouths, the meditations of our hearts, and the work of our hands acceptable in your sight.
Dear Lord, you are our strength and our redeemer.
Precious Lord, cleanse our nation of the presumptuous sins of ego and judgement. Help us to remember that we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers, that our worth is measured not in the marketplace but in the well-being of the world and its peoples.
Dear Lord, you are our strength and our redeemer.
Precious Lord, you command that we should not covet our neighbor’s wealth. You ask us, instead, to serve our neighbors, to feed and clothe the hungry and cold, to protect and shelter those without safety, to heal the sick and succor the suffering. Help us to serve, with genuine love, our brothers and sisters who struggle to meet basic needs.
Dear Lord, you are our strength and our redeemer.
Precious Lord, the heavens declare your glory, and the firmament shows your handiwork. We bend in awe at the wonders of your creation. Do not let us forget that the health of the physical world is our responsibility, that to honor you we must honor your creation.
Dear Lord, you are our strength and our redeemer.
Precious Lord, heal our bodies and souls from adversity and evil thoughts. Be with those who suffer in mind, body, and spirit. Be also with those who have lost loved ones and those who have recently passed from this earthly life. Be with the family and friends we pray for, silently and aloud (pause), especially those on our parish prayer list:
Dear Lord, you are our strength and our redeemer.
Presider: The law of the Lord is perfect and revives the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure and gives wisdom to the innocent. Amen.