Precious Lord, whose love is reconciliation, help us heal our broken world. Be especially with those who suffer violence, oppression, flooding and storms.
The Lord is our song and our salvation.
Precious Lord, whose love is reconciliation, help us heal our bombed and burning churches. Be especially those who suffer death, injury, and abuse in your temples.
The Lord is our song and our salvation.
Precious Lord, whose love is reconciliation, help us heal our divided nation. Be especially with those who are left behind by under-employment, addiction, and lack of basic services.
The Lord is our song and our salvation.
Precious Lord, whose love is reconciliation, help us feed the hungry. Be especially with the poor, the homeless, the immigrant.
The Lord is our song and our salvation.
Precious Lord, help us heal our wounded earth. Be especially with the trees and animals who suffer from human destruction of their habitat.
The Lord is our song and our salvation.
Precious Lord, help us heal our sick and suffering friends and family. Be especially with the recently departed and those who love them; with those who suffer fear, worry, and uncertainty; with those enduring unrelenting pain and illness. Look tenderly upon those we now name, silently or aloud (pause), including those on our parish prayer list:
The Lord is our song and our salvation.
Presider: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, and his mercy endures forever.