Lector: Beloved Lamb, We stand in awe of the image of the great tongues of wisdom that you send forth on this day. Inspire us, Lord, to be more than bystanders, to have the courage to be more than mere witnesses to wondrous events. Let us heed your call that we, like the apostles, may fully participate in sharing your greatest gifts. May the flames of Pentecost rekindle our prayers and our deeds.
Lord hear our prayer.
We thank you for the gracious ways you express your presence here at Emmanuel—through the ongoing guidance of our pastors, Berto and Hugh, our preacher this morning, David, our bishop, Gregory, and our presiding bishop, Michael. We ask that they continue to show the way in good health of body and spirit.
Lord hear our prayer.
We thank you for this congregation of willing, gracious souls who share compassionately of resources, both spiritual and temporal. We thank you for beautiful surroundings, the creatures of air, earth and water. And we ask for protection of our island home and all that live here and in the surrounding waters. Let us be attentive to the ways in which we can support the loving continuation of this glorious creation.
Lord hear our prayer.
We ask that all those in power and authority throughout the world act in accordance with the highest principles—that they heed the teachings of compassion and stewardship as memorialized in the Gospel. You have given us great intelligence and creativity and have also commanded that we be your stewards. Let us embrace this task without reservation so that we may revitalize the vision of Eden, so that no one need starve, so that all might be educated according to their gifts, and especially that all will know love.
Lord hear our prayer.
We ask compassionate assistance for the downtrodden, the homeless, the lonely, the young and displaced, those who suffer from mental and other prolonged afflictions, and for victims of hate crimes everywhere, including the recent shootings in Virginia. We ask for needed assistance for all those suffering from natural disasters, notably the multiple tornados wreaking havoc in our nation. Lord in your mercy,
Lord, hear our prayer.
Please help these members of our parish prayer list including: We also bestow urgent prayers for those whose names we now add silently or aloud (…pause to allow prayer…). We ask peaceful transitions for the dying, and abiding comfort for those who are grieving the loss of loved ones. Lord, in your mercy.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Presider: Beloved Lamb, Lord and Redeemer. On this great day of Grace we celebrate your coming forth as flames of wisdom filling the hearts and minds of all who are willing to embrace the immense wonder of your Presence here on earth. Grant us ears to hear and tongues to speak. Let these prayers be powerful, Dear Redeemer. Help us to walk fearlessly in your footsteps, and the footsteps of your apostles, following your example, without thought of personal gain. Teach us to be like you and to grow with you in unending glory. Amen.