Great Love-        

We sing and pray in gratitude for your Presence among and within us. 

Your light shines in the darkness, and in the eyes of our dear priests, Berto and Hugh. We thank you for bringing them to us and keeping them safe. And we thank you and ask additional blessings for our Bishop Gregory, newly returned from sabbatical, and Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. We praise and thank all those whose work, guidance  and reassurance keeps our Emmanuel parish alive and active. And we are grateful to every person who participates in your many ministries within our church, throughout the community, and in the larger world. 

Bless them all; keep them steadfast and free from harm

The psalmist has written that the blameless are happy.  Let us become blameless in your eyes, Dear God, that we may more perfectly come to know you.. Help us to recognize and cast aside our smallness of heart so that we are fit to create the Kingdom of God as you have described it.  Help us to keep your commandments, and to quickly make amendment, when necessary.

Bless us all; keep us steadfast and free from wrongdoing.

We thank you for all the blessings that so many take for granted: fresh water, clean air, beautiful forests.  Yet the wonder of  your creation is threatened by problems resulting from the plight of people and animals all over the globe, the dwindling forests and polluted air and waters. We pray for the destitute everywhere—whether struggling through loss of home, separation of families, or other crises. May they find comfort in the certain knowledge of your abiding love.

Bless them all; keep them steadfast and free from harm.

We pray for those bearing great responsibilities for the welfare of nations and the world. We include here our President, Donald, our Governor, Jay, and the leaders of every nation.

May they respond with grace, integrity and courage to the challenges before them, making decisions in the highest good.

Bless them all; keep them steadfast and free from harm.

We pray now especially for the needs of those on our Parish Prayer list: (insert)

Take time now to add, silently or aloud, the special intentions of anyone  for whom you wish to pray (silence).  May those who are bereaved find comfort in your love.

Presider: O Great Love, thank you for living and loving in us and through us. May all that we do flow from our deep connection with you and all beings. Help us become a community that vulnerably shares each other’s burdens and the weight of glory. Listen to our hearts’ longings for the healing of our world. Knowing you are hearing us better than we are speaking, we offer these prayers in all the holy names of God. Amen.