Hear our gratitude, oh Holy One, for the abundant blessings that you bring us through our church and our Orcas Community. Hear our heartfelt prayers and thanksgivings for our beloved Berto and Hugh. May they be free from harm; may all their loved ones know the peace that only you can bring. Praise to you, oh Holy One, our refuge and our strength.
Our faith is our rock and flaunts the stones thrown by this virus and other evils. Even in troubled times your blessings abound. We thankthose who created desperately needed facilities for the homeless on the island, notably the Community Foundation, the Resource Center, OPAL, Community Church, Food Bank, St. Francis Church, and many others. We particularly thank Jeannie Doty, whose service in managing the Food Bank for many years has done much to raise morale and improve nutrition for those it serves. We wish her a joyful retirement. Praise to you, oh Holy One, our refuge and our strength.
Even with the dark cloud of confusion enshrouding human life, we cannot ignore the beauty of springtime, the young creatures frolicking in green pastures, the tenderly unfurling leaves and bright blossoms…All of nature exalts your presence. As we gain new insights into ourselves and our society through the agency of this Novel Corona virus, remind us to actively seek better ways to care for your blessed earth that all might benefit. Praise to you, oh Holy One, our refuge and our strength.
May all leaders hear and heed the voice of science everywhere as new research and information helps to find a way to control Corona virus. Take special care for those who are safeguarding our cultural institutions and those who are supporting the technological systems that keep our communication creatively current. We ask your continued blessing for healthcare and food workers as they support us during this crisis. We pray that the newly unemployed may find the support and stability they need, along with victims of war, famine, and other disasters. Praise to you, oh Holy One, our refuge and our strength.We bring forth at this time those on our Parish Prayer List :… and for all those for whom no one prays.
Take time now to add any special concern in your heart. (silence) Holy One, hear and answer these petitions in the best possible way. Speed the journey of the recently departed into the bliss of your kingdom, and comfort those left behind [pause, please add any names of departed and their families, if known]. Praise to you, oh Holy One, our refuge and our strength.
Presider: You have said that you are the way, the truth, and the life. And since you are everywhere and all knowing, we embrace all that exists as our path, our truth, and our life…even though we can not understand the Great Mystery that you are. Hear our prayers and help us to find the best way to move forward, supporting all of life in your marvelous creation. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.