Dearest Lord, in you we have taken refuge. Hold us, the peoples of the world, in your loving wisdom as we confront a common challenge in the corona virus. We depend on your guidance during these uncertain times.
We will not let our hearts be troubled. We believe in God.
Dearest Lord, your church is a rock, a castle to keep us safe. Help us to be your loving heart and hands in the world. For the sake of your name, help us to care for our brothers and sisters in sickness and need.
We will not let our hearts be troubled. We believe in God.
Dearest Lord, our times are in your hands. Be with the health-care providers who risk their lives to heal us. Be with the essential workers who grow and bring us food, Be with all those whose work puts them at risk of infection. We will protect them by honoring the safety measures recommended by our state government.
We will not let our hearts be troubled. We believe in God.
Dearest Lord, be with the millions who have lost jobs and health insurance, who cannot pay their mortgages or rent or utilities. Be especially with those who suffer food insecurity. Be with those whose homes are not safe. Be with prisoners during this hour of fear. Help us to find our way together, united in your love.
We will not let our hearts be troubled. We believe in God.
Dearest Lord, the earth breathes a sigh of relief as we shelter at home. When times are better, help us remember what we have learned about our true material needs. Help us to be kinder to mother earth, to value bird song and breezes like precious gold.
We will not let our hearts be troubled. We believe in God.
Dearest Lord, incline your ear as we bring our families and friends to your loving attention. Be with those who are sick and injured, with those who have recently passed and their grieving families. Be with those whose hearts and minds are troubled by doubt, despair and confusion. Be with those who are alone and fearful. Be especially with those loved ones we now name (pause), including those on our parish prayer list:
and for all those for whom no one prays.
We will not let our hearts be troubled. We believe in God.