Help us, Eternal God, to remember that each and every one of us is a child of God; Jesus and Judas, George and Derek, black and white, deaf and hearing, blind and seeing, disabled and enabled, islanders and tourists, Jew and Gentile, female and male, old and young.
Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?
Eternal God, we give thanks for your church, especially Michael, Greg, Berto and Hugh; may they inspire us to be your faithful servants at any age just as Sarah bore Isaac after growing old.
Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?
Eternal God, we give thanks for these United States. We pray for our leaders: Donald, Mitch, Nancy, and Jay so they may fulfil their vows of office in the presence of all your people to serve people of every color and shape.
Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?
Eternal God, we give thanks for doctors, nurses, researchers and therapists around the world who are striving to care for those stricken physically or emotionally by the COVID pandemic.
Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?
Eternal God give us courage and strength to repay you for all the good you have done for us by loving our neighbors as ourselves regardless of their differences.
Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?
Eternal God, we give thanks for the graduating seniors of Orcas High School and their teachers. May they and their families laugh with Sarah in joy of their accomplishments.
Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?
Eternal God, we pray your Holy Spirit may comfort all who suffer in body, mind or spirit, from addiction, homelessness, prejudice or unemployment particularly those we now name either silently or aloud, (pause) and especially for those on our parish prayer list … and for all those for whom no one prays.
Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?
We pray for the departed and those that mourn. May the past deaths of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Oscar Romero who stood up to tyranny, racism and injustice not be in vain but inspire us to love all your children while standing up to injustice, racism and tyranny.
Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?
Presider: Eternal God, you incline your ear to us whenever we call upon you, as you hear the prayers of your servants, help us to accept your will for the sake of our Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.