Precious Lord, God of heaven and earth, We give ourselves into your care, as we pray with complete faith in your compassion. You are our grounding and security in our insecure world. Keep us in your eternal power and love, as we pray in the name of your son, Jesus Christ.
Precious Lord, we give ourselves to your will and your way.
Bless those who pray to you around the world, for your wisdom and guidance in these turbulent times. We pray for all of your churches, to be strong in speaking and standing up for justice and equality today, and especially for Justin, Michael, Greg, Berto, Hugh, and for each of us as ministers of your church.
Precious Lord, show us your will and your way. We are ready to do your work.
We pray for world leaders to hear you, and do your will with courage and strength. This is the time for brave leadership. Bless those who speak and act against injustice, oppression and racism.
Precious Lord, protect and guide them in your care.
Bless and protect the children and families living in fear of harm, who do not feel safe, especially from systemic racial injustice and families separated at our border. Bless those who are working in service to help others with risk to their own personal safety.
Lord, give us discomfort enough to hear with compassion the messages of those who struggle with racial injustice. We are all one in your love.
We each seek your peace Lord. We are comforted as we feel connected with this community, in person and through technology. Thank you for the continuing blessing of this online church service from Fr. Berto, Fr.Hugh, supported by Bill Bangs, Marianne, Karen and Lisa, and those who give us their flowers, voices and love in keeping us together.
Precious Lord refresh each person who brings us together, as we seek to serve in love, we receive your love we seek.
Bless all who are impacted by Covid 19, cancer, and illness. We pray for those who are isolated, lonely, frightened, hurting, and those who love them. Bless and protect the thousands of caregivers, medical workers, food providers, and volunteers who give themselves for those in need.
Precious Lord, protect and comfort all of them in your care, with the nurturing power of your love. With open hearts, by giving, we receive the love we seek.
We pray for each person with special needs today, and for those we name on our parish prayer list…..; and for all those for whom no one prays.
Precious Lord, we pray you will protect, love and comfort each person with your healing peace, and for those we carry in our hearts.
Bless our precious planet home, the earth, air, water, oceans, creatures great and small. Interceed and direct the stewardship of the humans who make an impact on all of it.
Lord, bring us to action in serving this blessed creation of yours.
Bless those who have died, that they may know the joy of your kingdom, and for those who mourn and miss them, may they be comforted in your peace.
Lord, we are in your hands and time. The nurturing power of your loving peace is our comfort.
Presider: Dear Lord, we ask your blessings on this world in turmoil. Bless our open extensive church family, our community, and this diverse nation in need of your guidance. With gratitude and faith we celebrate your eternal power and love for each and all of us. We are in your care. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen