Eternal God, we are blessed to know you through your church. Give us the courage to answer your call as Joseph answered Israel, here I am.
As you hear our prayer help us to take heart and not be afraid.
Eternal God, we are blessed to live in these United States even as we face a multitude of problems including the pandemic and racial injustice. May the realization of these problems be an important step towards finding solutions.
As you hear our prayer help us to take heart and not be afraid.
Eternal God, we pray for the welfare of the world as people everywhere face the pandemic, climate change and economic uncertainty. We give thanks to health care professionals, scientists and innovators who devote their time and talent to finding solutions.
As you hear our prayer help us to take heart and not be afraid.
Eternal God, we give thanks for the generous gift resulting in a 36-acre expansion to the Turtleback Mountain Preserve and the return of an adjacent six- acre parcel to the Lummi Nation.
As you hear our prayer help us to take heart and not be afraid.
Eternal God, we pray for all who suffer in body, mind or spirit including mental illness, from addiction, unemployment or homelessness, particularly those we now name either silently or aloud, (pause) and especially for those on our parish prayer list…; and for those whom no one prays, may they all be comforted by your Holy Spirit.
As you hear our prayer help us to take heart and not be afraid.
Eternal God, we pray for those near death, those that keep watch with them, those who have died and those than mourn. We remember their lives finding comfort in memories of love and courage in memories of bravery.
As you hear our prayer help us to take heart and not be afraid.