Oh Great and Powerful “I Am:” In today’s scripture you reveal your true name, the great mystery that is too profound for any one of us to fully comprehend.
We bow our heads before such wonder.
With our beloved priests, Berto and Hugh, our Bishop, Greg, and our Presiding Bishop Michael, may all your children rise to stand with Jesus and Moses at the great mountain of wisdom. May we all come to recognize the Angel of the Lord in every event and grow more compassionate as we learn to love without qualification.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Let us remove our sandals, and walk tenderly upon this sacred land, this great wonder of the created universe. Protect us from storms and shortages of every kind. Bless the farmers who work so hard to provide food for so many , especially those who have lost their crops to recent storms. Bless all
those who are doing everything they can to keep us safe from the world pandemic.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Help us all to relinquish whatever keeps us from holiness—let us fully honor you and live with courage and integrity in all that we do. Let us look at all beings with respect and love, knowing that you have many faces.
Lord, hear our prayer.
We pray fervently for all who are in need. May all who are hungry celebrate in the land of milk and honey .
Lord, hear our prayer.
May all who are wrongly imprisoned, enslaved, displaced or imperiled by their own weaknesses come to know what true freedom is.
Lord, hear our prayer.
May all who suffer illness and loss be comforted by the radiance of your merciful love and healing energy . We ask special blessings for all those in need either silently or aloud (pause), and mention particularly those on our Parish Prayer list: … and for those whom no one prays, may they all be comforted by your Holy Spirit.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Remember me and visit me And heal me from all misgivings
May your words be food to me, a joy and delight…To be cherished, even when we cannot gather in person May we all speak only what is precious and not what is worthless.
Let us pray for those celebrating Birthdays this week: O God,
our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on
your servant Ann Beck-Witte (9/4), as she begins another
year. Grant that she may grow in wisdom and grace, and
strengthen her trust in your goodness all the days of her
life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.