Lector: Dear Lord of All, we pray together for our world, for our nation, and for our environment. We come to you in the midst of our anxiety, with the earth in upheaval, fires, smoke, hurricanes, extreme temperatures and earthquakes. We pray for those suffering from fires, smoke, and those who have lost their homes and communities.
Dear Lord, we seek your strength and comfort over the chaos of our anxiety. Lord Hear our prayer.
We pray for the many brave firefighters, first responders, and citizens rising to rescue others. We see your spirit and compassion in so many faces. In the lessons of Exodus we read of the Israelites traveling through the desert, unknowing where they are headed. In this time we can feel our own isolation and unknowing where we are headed.
We come to you for peace and assurance. Grant us, Lord, not to be anxious about earthly things, but to hold fast to those things that shall endure. Lord, Hear our prayer.
We pray for all people suffering danger, hunger, homelessness, and turmoil. We pray for all people living in daily fear of racist brutality from inequality and racial injustice. We long to be understanding instruments of your love. Let us not be timid to speak and act accordingly.
Lord, We are grateful that all beings are created equal in your sight. Teach us to live this way. The last will be first, and the first will be last. Lord, Hear our prayer.
We are grateful for our Emmanuel Parish, the Vestry, Wardens, Bill and Margie, the hands restoring and upgrading the church facilities, Karen, Marianne, the Altar guild, Garden gang, and the outreach from the Agape team.
Lord, Bless this loving church community and the people who serve you here.
We are grateful for the openness and bold leadership of Fr. Berto with Fr. Hugh, creating both beautiful church services during the closure of our church buildings, and bringing their full offerings through virtual ministry of services, study and prayers in online gatherings, and individual outreach in this time of need.
Lord, thank you for the rich blessing of Fr. Berto with Fr. Hugh, as they teach us, connect us, and lead us in study, prayer and service in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior.
The Covid pandemic, the racial protests, the dangerous effects of climate change, and our need for human connection, are all approached with the faith, strength and purpose of our church leadership to explore, pray and respond to. We pray to serve in name of the Lord.
Lord, we are in your hands. Bless and guide us as we follow the teaching of your son, Jesus Christ.
We pray for this island community, for all people, for the children and their creative teachers in this new school year, for those in transition, those carrying burdens, and for those in dangerous situations.
Bless each as you know their need. Lord, hear our prayer.
We pray for the natural environment we cherish, for the animals, the earth, the air, forests, oceans, and for those who are entrusted with their care and policies.
Lord, Hear our prayer
We pray for those suffering illness, pain, loneliness, fear, and those we carry in our hearts, and those on our parish prayer list: ,,, and for those whom no one prays. Bless each as you know their need. Lord, Hear our prayer.
We pray for those who have died, that they are at peace in your care with the saints and angels we know surround them with your love.
Lord, Our time is in your hands. We are blessed to know your peace and compassion.
Let us each use the gifts you have blessed us with, to carry the spirit of Jesus into our daily life. With this as our guide, let us do the work you lead us to, in service, giving of ourselves with joy in the security of your love.
Lord, Hear our prayer
Let us pray for those celebrating Birthdays this week: O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants Erik Koehler (9/23), Louise Boone (9/24), Marilyn Andrews (9/26), Ken Brown (9/26), and Rick Jones (9/26), as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Let us pray for those celebrating wedding anniversaries this week: Celebrating God, whose love enfolds the whole of life, who calls us into union with you and with one another, and who in creation blessed the partnership of marriage: on this wedding anniversary day, grant to your servants Douglas & Catherine Ellis (9/21), and to all who celebrate with them, thankful hearts for all that is past, joyful hearts for this day’s blessings and hopeful hearts for what is still to come. In the name of God the Maker, Son and Spirit, one God in community. Amen.