Lector: Precious Lord, as the world struggles with sickness, climate change, and ongoing issues of oppression, injustice, homelessness, and hunger, please turn your tender heart toward our prayers for healing and health. We pray that our faith will be a powerful force for good in the world.
In Christ we pray.
Dearest Lord, happy are those who act with justice and always do what is right. Grant us, the members of your church, your saving help, so that we, in turn, might serve others. And be with our priests, Berto and Hugh, during this time of great need, as they continue their essential work of healing and reconciliation.
In Christ we pray.
Dearest Lord, at this time of nation-wide elections, be with the citizens of the United States of America. Help us choose leaders who will support the lofty goals of a government of and by and for the people, in our many colors, beliefs, ages, abilities, identities, and circumstances. Be with our leaders who have contracted the virus, that they might heal quickly.
In Christ we pray.
Dearest Lord, we pray that you will gather all into your great banquet of love and compassion, particularly those in need of food, shelter, jobs, justice, and medical care. Help us to realize that the well-being of the “me” depends on the well-being of the many as we look toward a future of help and healing.
In Christ we pray.
Dearest Lord, the fires and storms of recent months are testimony to the damage we have done to your creation in our pursuit of material wealth. Help us to protect your precious air and water and earth so that our children and their children and all species might praise your creation through the ages.
In Christ we pray.
Dearest Lord, in this time of sickness and uncertainty, be with those who suffer illness, injury, and loss of emotional and physical well-being due to the pandemic and other circumstances. Be with those who have lost dear friends and family members, and welcome the departed into everlasting love. Be especially with those we now name (pause), including those on our parish prayer list: … and for those whom no one prays may they be comforted by your Holy Spirit.
In Christ we pray.