Precious Lord, we pray for health and healing as the world continues to suffer the effects of the pandemic. Help us respond gracefully to the social isolation that prevents us from gathering with our families and friends during the holiday season. Gift us with patience, kindness, compassion and generosity in the coming months.
In Christ we pray
Precious Lord, we are thankful to be safely gathering in your house again, to see smiling eyes above our masks. We are deeply thankful to our priests, Berto and Hugh, our vestry, and the parish staff who have made it possible for us to worship together again. Keep us safe in our joy.
In Christ we pray.
Precious Lord, our nation is concluding a fraught election season. Help us maintain peace in our homes and on the streets; keep us from partisan enmity as we continue the grand American experiment in democracy. Be with our elected leaders as they chart a way forward that benefits all peoples and the earth itself.
In Christ we pray.
Precious Lord, we ask you to be especially with those among us who suffer most deeply from the pandemic: friends and neighbors who have lost jobs and housing, friends and neighbors who suffer food insecurity; parents and teachers doing their best to educate our children at home; and with families who are suffering sickness and loss of loved ones. Be with them in their hour of need.
In Christ we pray.
Precious Lord, we pray for our earth, that it may sustain us through the generations. We pledge to do our part to protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the earth and seas we depend upon for food. We especially pray for the abundant and varied plant and animals who also call earth home.
In Christ we pray,
Precious Lord, be with those who suffer illness and injury, who suffer the debilitating effects of despair, depression, anxiety, anger. Be with those who have recently lost loved ones, and speed the departed into your loving embrace. Be especially with those friends and family we now name (pause), including those on our parish prayer list:
In Christ we pray.