Lord God of heavenly forces, we give thanks for all priests and leaders of your church, especially Justin, Michael, Greg, Berto and Hugh. May they teach us to stay alert so we will be ready for your coming.
Shepherd of Israel, listen! Restore us, God!
Lord God of heavenly forces, as this Thanksgiving weekend comes to a close, we pray that every American may remember that we are the United States and grant respect to their neighbors regardless of creed, race or political beliefs.
Shepherd of Israel, listen! Restore us, God!
Lord God of heavenly forces, we give thanks for the beauty of this precious earth and pray that we can work together to preserve it for future generations.
Shepherd of Israel, listen! Restore us, God!
Lord God of heavenly forces, we give thanks for the resiliency of our community and pray that those who are ill recover, those depressed may be comforted and those challenged financially may find support as we protect our health.
Shepherd of Israel, listen! Restore us, God!
Lord God of heavenly forces, we pray for all who suffer in body, mind or spirit, from addiction, unemployment, mental illness or homelessness, particularly those we now name either silently or aloud, (pause) and especially for those on our parish prayer list…; as well as those for whom no one prays, may they be comforted by your Holy Spirit.
Shepherd of Israel, listen! Restore us, God!
Lord God of heavenly forces, we pray for those near death, those who have died and those who mourn. We give thanks for the life of C.S. Lewis, born on this date in 1898. May his writings continue to inspire us and future generations
Shepherd of Israel, listen! Restore us, God!