Intercessor Dear God, In these precious Advent days of winter, we pray for your bountiful grace and mercy to speedily bring peace and healing for the divided world.

We pray in the hope which Advent brings, for peace and healing, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

We are grateful for the open and loving ministry of Emmanuel Parish, for those whose joy and dedication sustain this church, especially through these changing times of isolation and online services. We pray for our vestry, Karen and Lisa, Bill and Margie, Marianne, and our beloved dedicated priests Fr. Berto and Fr. Hugh, for Bishop Greg and Presiding Bishop Michael.

Lord, may the light of your countenance keep your spirit in their hearts, and your wisdom in their service. Bless them and nourish them, as they serve with your love.

We pray for your power, guidance and blessings on all churches of God throughout the world. May they be your messengers of light for connection and healing.

Lord, May the light of your countenance open and bless their hearts and guide their ways.

We pray for your strength over our fear, for your great might to come among us, for the safety, respect and equality of all people, in the United States, and all the world. 

Lord, bless the many heroes who work tirelessly with hospitals, nursing homes, food banks and the homeless, the fire fighters, deputies, and all who respond in service to others.

We pray for the United States, for our democracy, for following the Bill of Rights for all people, and for our elected leaders to follow your will, Lord, for the good of the earth and all people. 

Lord, may the light of your countenance open their hearts to serve with the wisdom and inspiration of your love. May divisions be healed through service to those in need.

We pray for the earth, climate, water, and the habitat you have created for our survival. May they be a high priority for our urgent awareness. Connect us to action for the restoration and health of our planet home.

Lord, may the nations of the world come together in changing our abuse of the earth into actions of respect and sustainability.

We thank you Lord, for nourishing our souls, energizing our minds and feeding our bodies, that we may serve others, as taught by your son Jesus Christ.

With gratitude for our abundant blessings Lord, we have come to do your will.

We pray for the safety and healing for the many people in unbearable circumstances, for the homeless, the hungry, the prisoners, the injured and the fearful, those who are ill, in all nations and religions.  May people of abundant means reach out in service, to share with those less fortunate, that both may know the gift of your divine peace.

Lord, May the light of your countenance open our hearts, that we may share your love in service to others.

We pray for those you know are in need of restoration and health of body, mind and spirit, and those we name here:

May they be filled with the healing power of your presence and peace, and may you inspire hearts and hands to reach out to them.

We pray for those who have gone before us to your heavenly kingdom, and those we hold in our hearts. 

As Blessed Mary proclaimed, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. 

We thank you Lord, for your constant presence in our hearts. Help us create quiet time to receive your guidance and blessings, as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus. 

Keep us, not on our agenda, but on yours Lord, for that is the joy we seek. Shine on us with the illumination of the true Light.