Dearest Lord, in this season of epiphany, we ask that you might turn our mourning into joy, that you give us gladness for sorrow, and that we might exchange sickness and hunger for health and plenty, for all the peoples of the world
In Jesus’s precious name, we pray.
Dearest Lord, happy are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on the pilgrim’s way. We ask your blessing on our church and its leaders, Father Berto and Father Hugh, as they guide us in your work in the world.
In Jesus’s precious name, we pray.
Dearest Lord, we ask your blessing on our nation as we embark upon a new year and a new presidency. Grant us the spirit of wisdom and reveal a way forward as we seek health, harmony, and wholeness.
In Jesus’s name, we pray.
Dearest Lord, in this time of uncertainty, many of us are suffering anxiety about housing, food, health, work, and school. Help us to turn our loving attention to those in need, that they might thrive and sing your praises.
In Jesus’s precious name, we pray.
Dearest Lord, God of Creation, we praise your seas, your skies, the earth itself, and all creatures that live and die and sing upon it. We vow to care for the natural world as the profound miracle that it is.
In Jesus’s precious name, we pray.
Dearest Lord, the Christmas star gives us hope for that to which you have called us. Be with us in our fear, our anger, our disappointment and anxiety. Help us to trust your love for us. Heal those who suffer physical and spiritual injury. Be with those who have lost loved ones, and welcome the departed into your everlasting love. Be with those friends and family we now name (pause), including those on our parish prayer list