Intercessor: Dear Holy Creator – On bended knee with open hearts we pray to you in gratitude and supplication. We praise and thank you for the general improvement in matters pertaining to the pandemic. We pray that people adhere to the safety guidelines and that delivery goes smoothly for the vaccine program. On this Valentine’s Day we pray especially for socially distanced lovers, and thank them for adhering to safety guidelines on behalf of others. And we pray for lovers everywhere, that their love be fulfilling and godly.
We praise and thank you, Holy Creator.
We praise and thank you for spiritual leaders whose guidance brings us hope and truth: especially now we mention our Presiding Bishop Michael, Bishop Greg, and our Beloved Fathers Berto and Hugh, whose selfless service does so much for our church and our greater communities. Keep them well and strong. We praise and thank the loving hearts and hands, many of whom serve anonymously, for lifting the spirits and caring for so many on our island and within our church.
We praise and thank you, Holy Creator.
We pray for our elected officials: our President Joe and Vice President Kamala, our Governor, Jay and all others who serve the public interest. May they be ever mindful and respectful of their high calling to serve for the benefit of all.
Help them to be mindful of the greater good.
We pray for the well-being of all our community, and rejoice that we are able to help many in need. May all know your love and strength in challenging times. We take delight in the early harbingers of spring: the blackbird’s call, the snowdrop’s bloom and other signs of better days to come. And we pray for the health of the natural world that surrounds us.
Help us to find better ways to sustain this lovely creation.
Let not our eyes be blinded, our ears deafened, or our hearts closed to ways in which we can live your teachings more fully. Help us to be relentless in our journey toward you. May people of every nation yearn to know you and your ways.
We praise and thank you, Holy Creator.
We pray now for those on our Parish Prayer list:
And now, praying together, silently or aloud, for those special concerns in each of our hearts, we ask healing blessings for all, including those for whom no one prays. (pause for special names and concerns). The prayer of each member of this community is my prayer too.
May it be so.
Especially now, we grieve for departed souls and their families, including Cecilia Schwanke, (mother to Marianne Lewis) and Antoinette Brun, (goddaughter to Antoinette Botsford). May the light of their eternal souls grow ever brighter as they draw closer to the Source of their Being and dwell in Light Everlasting. May all who mourn them find comfort in your Eternal love. Amen.