Intercessor: Oh Nameless Mystery, called by Thousands of Names—we thank you for your many gifts. We are especially grateful for the safe return of Father Berto and for the ongoing service of both Fathers Berto and Hugh. And we are grateful and ask blessings and prayers for our Bishop Greg and our Presiding Bishop Michael. Please bless all spiritual leaders and help them to bring you to those who need them most.
Bless them all in their hour of need.
We thank you for the abundance and beauty our life here on Orcas Island, for nature and for one another. We are blessed with all we need, safe from much of the disaster and confusion that tramples on the earth. We cannot help but see that the world is turning, again on the brink of fresh war and new disasters. The shadow of disease, mistreatment, and fanaticism falls over the tents of refugees everywhere. Let your love for all people and all nations overwhelm those who would ravage your children and this beautiful planet. Let leaders see that the cost is too great, and the rewards meaningless when war and destruction are the chosen tools for expansion and national pride. Especially, please help children everywhere—in places ravaged by ongoing strife, in schools, on playgrounds, and sometimes their own homes. Protect them from evil and let those who are able to provide for others hear your voice and respond to their needs with wisdom and kindness.
Bless them all in their hour of need.
Let all who thirst after justice be soothed, regardless of race or gender. May officers of the law and soldiers everywhere embody the ideals of protection and service to all who are endangered.
Bless them all in their hour of need.
We pray for all those who continue to work valiantly in the medical trenches, assisting and guiding our world’s people through the ongoing pandemic. And we pray for those who turn to them in their need, and in hope of containing the pandemic. We pray most earnestly for those who have turned away from science and who are embroiled in isolating fear and suspicion.
Bless them all in their hour of need.
May those suffering from addictions, illness, and injuries be healed in their spirit so that their souls may be open to your radiance. May they be healed in the certain knowledge of your love.
And we offer prayers for those on our parish prayer list: and for those we name here silently and aloud (pause), including those on our parish prayer list… and those for whom no one prays, may they be comforted by your Holy Spirit.
At this time we may add the names of persons and concerns known to only to ourselves but for whom we, as a community, gladly pray [long pause]. We pray for those who have died and for those who mourn them. May their spirits be healed and renewed. Hear these—our prayers and intentions, oh Beloved.
Bless us all in our hour of need.
Let us pray for those celebrating Birthdays this week:
O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants Eric Hansen (2/22), Nancy Ayer (2/23), Sarah Moore (2/24), Vance Stephens (2/24), and Lindalena Dingman (2/25) as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Let us pray for those celebrating Anniversaries this week:
Grant, O God, in your compassion, that Duff and Marilyn Andrews (2/22) having taken each other in marriage, and affirming again the covenant which they have made, may grow in forgiveness, loyalty, and love; and come at last to the eternal joys which you have promised through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.