Oh Risen Christ: How we rejoice and yearn to see you, touch you, and be touched by you. How we thank you for your way of wisdom, your compassionate heart.
Let us not be blind to the way of your wisdom, oh Lamb.
O Risen Christ, we thank you for the inspiring leadership of Emmanuel Church, For our priests, for
our bishop, Greg, for our presiding bishop, Michael, and all spiritual leaders who cast light on
truth and goodness throughout the world.
Let us not be blind to the way of your wisdom, oh Lamb.
O Risen Christ, bless Father Berto on his journey; may he return with renewed strength as he
shepherds us through our joys and sorrows; bless Father Hugh with extra fortitude as he takes on
additional duties while Father Berto is away. Help us all to find ways to be truly helpful.
Let us not be blind to the way of your wisdom, oh Lamb.
O Risen Christ, we pray fervently for all who are suffering from disease, from painful losses, from
loneliness, homelessness, addiction and neglect of all kinds, including every sentient being.
Especially hear our pleas for those suffering from the effects of warfare and pollution throughout
the world. We pray for the deluded and misinformed. Let those who have lost their way know your
love and forgiveness and move forward into the light of redemption.
Let us not be blind to the way of your wisdom, oh Lamb.
O Risen Christ, we pray for the wounded planet, the waterways, the plants of garden, forest, and
desert, and all creatures of the air, earth, fire, and water. May harmony and balance be
restored, and may we humans gracefully and thankfully acknowledge and act upon the need to change,
that all may truly be well.
Let us not be blind to the way of your wisdom, oh Lamb.
O Risen Christ, we pray with full heart for all those particular causes and loved ones known
privately to us (pause) and for those on our Parish Prayer List (pause) …
and those for whom no one prays; may they be comforted by your Holy Spirit. Let us not be blind to the way of your wisdom, oh Lamb.
O Risen Christ, we Thank you for hearing our cries. Embrace all those who are lately bereaved in your gentle care and ongoing comfort. And let those who have gone on before us delight in the truth of your wisdom and the joys of your tomorrows.
Let us not be blind to the way of your wisdom, oh Lamb.
Let us pray for those celebrating birthdays this week: O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants Steve Jung (5/2), and Noa Lui (5/3) as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Let us pray for those celebrating Anniversaries this week: Grant, O God, in your compassion, that Peter and Kira Neville (5/1), and Mike and Susan Krieger (5/4), having taken each other in marriage, and affirming again the covenant which they have made, may grow in forgiveness, loyalty, and love; and come at last to the eternal joys which you have promised through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.