Father/Mother God, like Legion, we pray that you cast out the demons in our hearts, so that we might live in peace and harmony. Be especially with those suffering violence and oppression.
Father/Mother God, hear our prayer.
Dearest Father/Mother God, thank you for the gift of our priests, Berto and Hugh, and for the lay leaders of our parish. We pray that our church might bear witness to your light and your truth in the world.
Father/Mother God, hear our prayer.
Father/Mother God, we ask your guidance for the leaders of our nation. Help them lead from the sure foundation of loving-kindness, the highest power for good.
Father/Mother God, hear our prayer.
Father/Mother God, you do not abhor the poor in their poverty; nor do we. Help us humbly and compassionately respond to the needs of the homeless, the hungry, and those struggling to make ends meet.
Father/Mother God, hear our prayer.
Father/Mother God, as the deer longs for the water, we long for the comfort of your creation. Thank you for the gift of the natural world; inspire us to care for it with tender hearts.
Father/Mother God, hear our prayer.
Father/Mother God, when our souls fill with heaviness, we put our trust in you. We pray for the sick, the injured, the anxious, the grieving, the depressed, the confused, the despairing, the angry, and the fearful. Relieve their strife and worry. Be especially with friends and family we now name (long pause), including those on our parish prayer list.
Father/Mother God, hear our prayer.