Oh Great and Holy Mystery: Our souls cry
out to you. How long, Beloved, how long before we are truly
free? How long before your children remember your presence in
all that is, especially in one another?
May all praise you for all your goodness and mercy.
On this day, so close to celebrating our “Independence”, let us
acknowledge the painful exclusion that was implicit in that original
declaration and in many of our church’s former policies. Let us
now devote our lives to being truly inclusive of all people,
regardless of nationality, race, religion, gender identification and
preference, praying that all peoples may have opportunities to

grow and to find happiness in their lives. Let us reach out to all
who have inherited the legacy of exclusion. May we heal
ourselves and others as you have taught us.
May all praise you for all your goodness and mercy.
We thank you for the guidance and leadership of our priests,
Berto and Hugh, and pray for their health and well being. We
praise and pray for our provisional bishop, Melissa, and our
presiding bishop, Michael, whose health has been recently
challenged. May they all continue with the good work they do in
bringing your message forward and influencing so many. May
spiritual leaders everywhere glorify your holy teachings, bringing
hope and haven to the multitudes of every nation.
May all praise you for all your goodness and mercy.
Your beautiful earth is overwhelmed by a troubled climate and
troubled people. Lead all those in power to exercise true
leadership in mitigating the conflicts and the ongoing damage and
destruction. Help all of us to be mindful of the steps we can
personally take in making a difference. May the handshakes
between heads of state inspire people everywhere to see that we
are all one people, breathing the same air, wanting to bring about
balance and moderation for all people.
May all praise you for all your goodness and mercy.
We pray for the confused and the anxious. For the addicted, the
rejected, the broken-hearted. Especially we pray for those who
have fallen prey to gun violence. We pray for their loved ones, and
also for the perpetrators of violence. Help us to find a way to
stay the slaughter — just as you stayed Abraham’s knife. Let us
respect the right of everyone, regardless of race, creed, gender
identification or social status, to find fulfilling, non-harmful ways
to live in harmony with one another and the living creation that is
this planet.
May all praise you for all your goodness and mercy.

We pray for one another and for concerns known privately (take
time to mention these here) And for those on our parish prayer list: ….

and those for whom no one prays; may they be comforted by
your Holy Spirit.

And we ask your healing comfort for all who have lost loved ones,
and for those who are dying (mention names here).
May all praise you for all your goodness and mercy