Holy Spirit of Wisdom: May a spark from you ignite us
all with deeper understanding of the Great Mystery that
propels creation forward—ever growing, ever changing.
May Divine Wisdom open our hearts and souls.
Holy Spirit of Wisdom: We express gratitude for all
those showing us the way through these troubled times,
starting with our priests, Berto and Hugh, and our
Bishops, past and present, and spiritual leaders
everywhere who try to heed your voice and move forward
with compassion for all living beings. Bless and
encourage them in all they do. Keep them stalwart and
May Divine Wisdom open our hearts and souls.
Holy Spirit of Wisdom: We pray for our nation, and for
all nations, and for their leaders. Help us to find
good ways to work together peacefully for the highest
good.Let us not lose faith that all will be well. Like
young David, may we never feel too small and vulnerable
to find ways to face great challenges and may we love
deeply. May we always trust that, in love, your holy
purpose is being served. And like David, when soulmates
must pass before our time, let us grow stronger in
faith and purpose.
May Divine Wisdom open our hearts and souls.
Holy Spirit of Wisdom: With John the Baptist, whose
birthday we celebrate tomorrow, may we refresh
ourselves and others with the waters of repentance and
forgiveness. Help us to wash away any false
distinctions we might make about other people, or about
May Divine Wisdom open our hearts and souls.
We thank you for the rainfall that keeps Orcas Island
green and fresh, and ask for guidance in caring for
this wondrous resource. May there be enough clean water
to supply our world’s needs.
When storms threaten to overturn our lives, let us rest
in the certainty of your grace, knowing that the boat
of faith will carry us safely to shore.
May Divine Wisdom open our hearts and souls.
Holy Spirit of Wisdom: Your Son, Jesus, teaches much
about simplicity and sharing. We look forward to
sharing food with our community this week in the dinner
kitchen and thank the late Tom Murdoch and his wife,
Leslie, recently of this parish, for their ongoing
inspiration. May we be generous of heart and free with
our resources, reaching out to the lonely and the
confused, and drawing them into a widening circle of
acceptance and kindness.
May Divine Wisdom open our hearts and souls.
Holy Spirit of Wisdom: We pray for those suffering from
illness, injury, and loss, for prisoners, for those
struggling with identity and racism, and for those
dying, and the recently dead, and those who mourn them.
[take time here to mention silently or aloud any
special concerns] Comfort those who grieve. May the
hearts of everyone in need of healing feel the grace of
Jesus, the Great Healer—including those we now name
on our Parish Prayer List:
And for those with needs unknown at this
time, we do also pray.
May all find comfort in Holy Wisdom. Amen.