Spirit of Love, may we realize that the only way the world knows Love is by the way each of us demonstrates it.

May we learn to love as God loves.

Spirit of Love, we are grateful for the givers in our community, especially Hilary Canty, who has led the Orcas Community Foundation so faithfully, and is now retiring. May we all continue to serve our beloved island community with Love.

May we learn to love as God loves.

Spirit of Love, during this summer of political turmoil, may we reach deep into our understanding of what it truly means to be compassionate and put it into practice.

May we learn to love as God loves.

Spirit of Love, may we, as well as those in powerful positions on Orcas and in our nation, practice listening to each other with open minds rather than simply wanting to convince others that we are right.

May we learn to love as God loves.

Spirit of Love, we are grateful for the people in our lives who have loved and nurtured us. We remember those who have died yet remain in our hearts and minds. We remember those who are grieving.

May we love as God loves.

Spirit of Love, we think of our loved ones who are experiencing hardships and illness. May they find peace and healing. We remember those we now name either silently or aloud…. We remember those on our parish prayer list:

May we love as God loves.

And because we are all connected by our humanity, we hold in our hearts those who are strangers to us and far away yet need the touch of divine Love.

May they experience God’s Love in the actions of others.