Divine Love runs through us, connects us to one
another inside and outside these walls, and makes us one with
each person we encounter.
May we let Love guide our thinking and our doing.
Divine Love, we are so grateful to live on this island full of beauty
and grace. May we be generous of spirit in dealing with conflicts
within our small community.
May we let Love guide our thinking and our doing.
Divine Love, while turmoil rages around us in our nation and in
the far reaches of the earth, may we, as well as the decisionmakers, realize that each person near and far is our neighbor and
if we say we love, we are to treat them as we would want to be
May we let Love guide our thinking and our doing.
Divine Love, we give thanks for our church and all who make up
our body. We especially are grateful for the ministry of our
Bishop Provisional Melissa Skelton during the past two years and
trust that she will find new ways to minister to the world around
her as she finishes her time in service to the Diocese of Olympia.
May we let Love guide our thinking and our doing.
Divine Love, we have inherited this earth with all its majestic
mountains, life-filled oceans, varied climates, and plants that
sustain us. May we Love it, take care of it, and protect it as we
would our children.
May we let Love guide our thinking and our doing.

Divine Love, we remember those dear to us, those who have died
but live in us still, and those who are sick, lonely, or suffering. We
hold them in our hearts, including those on our prayer list:
And for those for whom no one prays, may we look for them and
comfort them with the Spirit of Love.
May we let Love guide our thinking and our doing.