Dear Lord of Love, We pray for the world, and for your Holy
Spirit to direct and guide us as we face the atrocities of wars, racial judgment
and inequality, climate change, hurricanes, floods, and our own limitations in
overcoming them.
Dear Lord, In our weakness, lift us up to Wisdom, the reflection of
eternal light and a mirror of God’s goodness.

Dear Lord, we bring our weakness to your strength, in the name of Jesus
Christ. We pray for all people living in fear, oppression, hunger, homelessness
and turmoil.
Dear Lord, We pray with faith for your divine peace. Guide us to create
peace in the world. Let us be instruments of your love with

Dear Lord, Be with the United States and all nations as they vote for new
leadership. We pray for elections to be conducted in a peaceful, safe, and
respectful manner as they are designed by the constitution.

Dear Lord, May all people feel equally important and safe in casting
their ballots this year.

Dear Lord of Love, We pray for your churches and ministers, to be blessed
with wisdom as leaders by example, strength and purpose in your service. We
pray especially for our new Bishop, Philip LaBelle, to be seated today at St.
Marks Cathedral with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, and for retiring
Provisional Bishop Melissa Skelton.
And prayers for our beloved Fr. Berto and Fr. Hugh as they travel to family
and vacation. Stay with them dear Lord.
Our faith is in the name of the Lord.
We pray for our island community, for the children and their creative teachers
in this new school year, especially for those in transition.
Dear Lord of Love, Be with each one as you know their needs.
Dear Lord, We pray for our planet earth, and for the wisdom of world
leaders to quickly take responsibility to change from destructive pollution to
restoration of air, water and forest. The imbalance of the environment is
more evident each day.
Dear Lord, In our weakness, lift us up to know the way to respect your
We pray for those who have died, and those we carry in our hearts. Bless
those suffering illness, pain, insecurity, loss, loneliness, and those on our
parish prayer list : … And for those for whom no one prays, may we look for them and
comfort them with the Spirit of Love.
Dear Lord, Direct our hearts to share your love with those we know
and gently with those who quietly struggle. Let wisdom be our guide.

Let us each use the gifts you have blessed us with, to carry the spirit of Jesus
into our daily life, giving ourselves in service to others, as wisdom guides us.
Dear Lord, Incline our hearts to share your love with compassion as
our first response. The world needs your love and peace