Holy Spirit of Wisdom:  We thank you for all beings who follow your teaching and guidance, nurturing humanity and all of creation.We thank you for the grace flowing from spiritual leaders everywhere, who, like our parish priests, Berto and Hugh, reach into the darkest corners of our troubled world. Bless them and keep them strong.
As Christ so loved us, let us walk together in love.

Our nation needs generosity of spirit as never before.  Illumine the souls and open the hearts of all who are authorized to make decisions. Bless those who would lead us astray that we might recognize and travel the good road together as a united people.
As Christ so loved us, let us walk together in love.

We pray for all those afflicted by wars. In their anguish let them discover your light. And we pray with gratitude for all those who are coming to the aid of communities affected by disasters and ask that they be comforted. We also pray that our nation facilitate innovative and compassionate solutions to the problems at our southern border and that we do all we can to welcome and support newcomers to our land and our community.
As Christ so loved us, let us walk together in love.

We pray for the Indigenous peoples who have lost their lands and culture and suffered because of broken treaties. We pray that in this land we may come together in mutual assistance, learning and helping one another in ways that respect the richness of the natural world and the people who lived here from time immemorial. Help us to move forward in harmony and balance as we attempt to redress ancient wrongs.
As Christ so loved us, let us walk together in love.

Holy Spirit, some of our nearest and dearest need special prayers.  We ask now for blessings on those concerns and individuals known privately to us. (Long pause; say names silently or aloud) . Together we pray most earnestly for those on our Parish prayer list (repeat names together slowly):  … and those for whom no one prays.
As Christ so loved us, let us walk together in love.

And we ask blessings of the many martyrs we commemorate on this day – may their shared example strengthen our web of connection with all those who have lost dear ones in recent times. Our thoughts turn just now to Jim Shaffer-Bauck and John Heath, and their grieving families. 
As Christ so loved us, let us walk together in love.  Amen.

Let us pray for those celebrating Birthdays this week.
O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants, Steve Malott (10/20), and Andy Rodgers (10/25), as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen her trust in your goodness all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Let us pray for those celebrating anniversaries this week. 
Grant, O God, in your compassion, that [insert names here…] who have taken each other in marriage, may grow in forgiveness, loyalty, and love; and come at last to the eternal joys which you have promised through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.