In thanksgiving for the peacemakers who toil in troubled lands, and in families of discontent, that the Prince of Peace may give them words of wisdom as they seek to encourage new means of communication and the mending of relationships; let us pray.
Lord, hear our prayer.
In thanksgiving for those who bring treasures to the poor and needy of the world, offering precious gifts of hope to God’s fragile people; let us pray.
Lord, hear our prayer.
For those who exercise leadership throughout our Church, especially our beloved priests Berto and Hugh, that they may bear in their actions the love of Christ, enlightening the hearts of those who have a hidden faith, and strengthening those of a weak spirit; let us pray.
Lord, hear our prayer.
For Joe Biden, our President, members of our legislative bodies, and those who serve on the Supreme Court, that they may honor our historic inheritance and take us along new pathways in the service of bettering our nation; let us pray.
Lord, hear our prayer.
For those who have died in the noonday of their lives, and for parents who grieve the loss of children, that they may be comforted by the Holy Spirit; let us pray.
Lord, hear our prayer.
For those in our family who are suffering from physical and mental health problems, financial difficulties, loneliness, addiction, and lack of adequate housing, may we search our hearts to find ways we can help. We especially hold in our hearts those known only to us… (Say the names silently or aloud) and those on our parish prayer list… as well as those for whom no one prays.
Lord, hear our prayer.
In thanksgiving for all the blessings of this life, remembering those who have been our mentors and teachers, and through whose companionship we have experienced the riches of divine grace; let us pray.
Lord, hear our prayer.