Oh Holy Wisdom, we celebrate the growing insights into our faith that are being nurtured and expanded by our beloved Berto and Hugh. We honor the sacred teachings hidden in the texts of ancient times and sing our praises to you . We thank you and pray for spiritual leaders everywhere in their efforts to guide people to a better way of being.
Oh Holy Wisdom, let your light penetrate the darkest corners of human resistance.
Oh Holy Wisdom, we ask that all those elected to public office hear the clarion voice of their truest calling: to serve our country and its people with honesty and true justice, with intent to enhance the common good. We ask that our leaders find constructive, positive solutions to assist the many innocent people who turn to our nation for safety, work, and education.
Oh Holy Wisdom, let your light penetrate the darkest corners of human resistance.
Oh Holy Wisdom, we ask guidance for our teachers: may they help all those in their charge to be kind and fair in their ways, inclusive in their outlook, and open-hearted to all. May all who work with young people recognize their talents and encourage them to use their gifts to heal our world.
Oh Holy Wisdom, let your light penetrate the darkest corners of human resistance.
Oh Holy Wisdom, we invite you to guide all those suffering from depression, substance abuse, and other mental afflictions into a greater acceptance and understanding of themselves and others. We pray for prisoners and ask that they grow in grace and insight during their confinement. Our hands join hands with people of every gender and religious preference, regardless of race or other differences, with the assurance that our hearts are full and ready to welcome all humanity as your children and our true brethren.
Oh Holy Wisdom, let your light penetrate the darkest corners of human resistance.
Oh Holy Wisdom, we ask special prayers for those intentions known privately to us (take a few moments to name these, silently or aloud) as well as for those on our Parish Prayer List: (Say the names together slowly)… Effie, Stephen, & Calder… Lori… Brianna… Kendon… Mars… Ann… Nancy… David… Beth… Lynn… Skipper… Roshni… Julia… June… Chris & Laura… Lynn… Sarah… Sherwood & Laura… Skipper… as well as those for whom no one prays.
Oh Holy Wisdom, let your light penetrate the darkest corners of human resistance.
Oh Holy Wisdom, we ask prayers for those grieving departed loved ones, including the family of Lillian Rouleau. And we add special prayers for all those not able to be with the people they love most. We also pray for all those suffering loss from fires in the Los Angeles area and ask your aid in bringing comfort and hope. Let them know that You are always there and that healing and resolution will come to all.
Oh Holy Wisdom, let your light penetrate the darkest corners of human resistance. Amen.