Source of Love: We know that without Love, whatever we do means nothing. May we tap into the Love that connects us all, here in this church and outside in the rest of the world. May we realize that what we see before us is what our task is.

May we let Love guide us each day.

Source of Love: We hold the peoples of the world in our hearts, especially the Gazans, who want to return to their homes, the Ukrainians, who are weary of war, and the Sudanese, who have no peace in their land. We may feel helpless, but we remember that we are connected through our humanity and thus, by Love.

May we let Love guide us each day.

Source of Love: We sorrow over the fear and turmoil in our nation. May Love make us strong enough to find ways of working together to heal broken bonds, to seek ways to reach the minds of lawmakers and those who govern so that compassion will reign.

May we let Love guide us each day.

Source of Love: We feel blessed every day that Emmanuel is our home. We are grateful that the greater Episcopal Church is active in the world, seeking social justice. May the Church be bold in reaching out to those in need and in taking a stand to speak for justice and mercy.

May we let Love guide us each day.

Source of Love: We are grateful for this wondrous, continually evolving earth that we inhabit. May we take care of it instead of ravishing it. May we be mindful of our impact on the earth so that future generations will not suffer but will thrive here.

May we let Love guide us each day.

Source of Love, we think of those who are struggling with sickness, depression, loneliness, addiction, or financial difficulties. May they find strength in the Love that connects us all, and  may we do our part to help. We remember those we name now either silently or aloud … as well as those on our parish prayer list …  as well as those for whom no one prays.

May we let Love guide us each day.

Source of Love: We remember those who have died yet remain in our hearts and minds, and we are grateful for their impact on us. We hold in our hearts those who are on the journey of grief.

May we let Love guide us each day.